
Here are a few key points about the tuple data type.

  • A tuple is a collection type. It is a structure that contains a fixed number of things.
  • A tuple’s elements are ordered and fixed in size.
  • A tuple does NOT mean TWO. Tuples can have many elements. However, it is common to see a tuple with only two elements. 
  • A common usage in Elixir is to return multiple result values from a function in a tuple.

The following example represents common function return values. Each tuple contains 2 pieces of information or data.

{:ok, result}
{:error, reason}

The first piece of information is an atom (ie: :ok or :error) that tells if the operation succeeded or not. If we got an :ok, we know it succeeded and the next piece of data is the result of the operation. If we got the atom :error then we know the operation failed and the reason may tell us why.

Another example of using a tuple to return multiple pieces of information at once might be the result of a function that splits a list of integers into odd and even sets. Imagine that a function named split_odd_even/1 is available to us. This function leaves the original list unmodified (immutable) and returns the two different result sets through a tuple. It could look like this:

{odd_results, even_results} = split_odd_even([1, 2, 7, 12, 15])

#=> [1, 7, 15]

#=> [2, 12]

Here is another tuple example that contains multiple pieces of data. In this example the tuple contains a person’s name and age:

{"Howard", 32}

Using the Kernel.elem/2 function, you can extract the value of an element from a tuple.

tuple = {:foo, :bar, 3}
elem(tuple, 1)
#=> :bar

elem({:foo, :bar}, 2)
#=> ** (ArgumentError) argument error

A cleaner and more natural way to do this is with “pattern matching” which isn’t covered here.

You can replace an element using Kernel.put_elem/3. Remember, Elixir isn’t changing the tuple, internally it is creating a new tuple where the elements point back to the previous tuple’s values, with the exception of the new change.

tuple = {:foo, :bar, 3}
put_elem(tuple, 2, :baz)
#=> {:foo, :bar, :baz}

You can see that the original tuple variable has not been modified:

#=> {:foo, :bar, 3}

Tuples are best for a fixed number of elements. If you need a dynamic container that preserves order, use a List instead.


  1. Maksym Kosenko on October 6, 2021 at 2:26 pm


  2. greta grabher on December 3, 2022 at 6:24 am

    What is a use case for a tuple where lists can do the job just as good?

    • Mark Ericksen on December 3, 2022 at 8:40 am

      Hi Greta,

      I’m not sure I understand what you’re really asking… but tuples are used extensively in Elixir. If you continue through more lessons, you’ll see how tuples are used in keyword lists and they are used to for multiple return values from functions.

      Sometimes, when people first start learning, they confuse tuples with lists because this

      {1, 2, 3}

      almost looks like this

      [1, 2, 3]

      . Pretty much, if it’s a list that can be dynamically added to or removed from, it should be a list and not a tuple.

      Hope that helps!

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