#055 Learning from Failure with Philipp Schmieder
We talk with Philipp Schmieder about his experience creating a LiveView application for a political party’s convention and then watching the app blow up. We learn how he recovered, why it failed, and how he fixed it going forward. We also discuss some other application architecture ideas and how they might work. It’s a great post-mortem discussion where Philipp shares his wisdom so others learn from the mistakes. After experiencing all this, find out why he’s still bullish on LiveView and Elixir!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/055-learning-from-failure-with-philipp-schmieder
Podcast: Download
Read More#054 AST Parsing using Sourceror with Lucas San Román
We talk with Lucas San Román about his library Sourceror and how it was created to solve some AST parsing limitations. The Elixir parser discards code comments, so it can’t be used for re-writing Elixir code when refactoring. IDE’s often include more advanced refactoring tools and the ability to provide that requires a smarter parser. Sourceror keeps the comments while also providing advanced features like a Zipper API to more easily navigate around the source tree while inserting and removing nodes. Learn what Sourceror can do and what it can enable for future Elixir tools!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/054-ast-parsing-using-sourceror-with-lucas-san-roman
Podcast: Download
Read More#053 SOLID Elixir with Ilya Averyanov
We talk with Ilya Averyanov about how the SOLID principles, typically associated with OOP, can apply to Elixir. We talk about Ilya’s blog post where he applied these principles to his Github project and how that helped in PR discussions. We also talk about testing, architecture, and more.
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/053-solid-elixir-with-ilya-averyanov
Podcast: Download
Read More#052 IOList and Postgres with Nathan Long
We take a deeper dive with Nathan Long into IOLists in Elixir. We cover what they are, how they work, the power they have when concatenating strings, and how they are used in Phoenix and Logger. We even talk about improper lists and why they exist. And no, it isn’t a bug. We then talk about PostgreSQL features like materialized views, triggers, and using denormalized tables for solving complicated caching situations. Nathan shares some tips for when to use them and provides some cautions worth hearing.
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/052-iolist-and-postgres-with-nathan-long
Podcast: Download
Read More#051 Live Auctions with Alex Loukissas
We talk with Alex Loukissas about using Phoenix sockets to provide live auction systems. We comment on the situation of flash-mob-like users coming to a system and needing to handle high traffic volumes for shorter durations. We talk about how the Horde library helps solve fun distributed clustering problems, we cover observability tools, how and why companies should support open source development through sponsorships and more!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/051-live-auctions-with-alex-loukissas
Podcast: Download
Read More#050 Exercism.io and Elixir with Angelika Tyborska
We talk with Angelika Tyborska about the history of exercism.io, her involvement, the issues addressed in v2 and what’s new and cool in the soon to be released v3. We cover the Elixir track, her work as a maintainer, the journey of a student and how people can help as mentors. We also hear about the “fun” she had creating a maze generator and more!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/050-exercism-io-and-elixir-with-angelika-tyborska
Podcast: Download
Read More#049 Pushing for Modularity with Maciej Kaszubowski
Maciej Kaszubowski returns to talk about how read models can help modularize our systems. There is a focus on background job systems and how they fit in our modular designs. We cover push vs pull based systems and which is more maintainable. Maciej also shares his approach to learning and understanding a new Elixir library and more!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/049-pushing-for-modularity-with-maciej-kaszubowski
Podcast: Download
Read More#048 Ecto Associations with Sheharyar Naseer
We talk with Sheharyar Naseer about Ecto’s feature “association defaults” and how they work. We learn how they even support defining a function that gets called during your changeset operations which can be used to ensure multi-tenancy IDs get populated correctly. We learn more about Slab, talk about Single Table Inheritance designs and how we feel about them. We also talk about wrapping the Repo module for fun and profit!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/048-ecto-associations-with-sheharyar-naseer
Podcast: Download
Read More#047 Crypto Trading in Elixir with Kamil Skowron
We talk with Kamil Skowron about his Youtube channel that walks people through building a crypto-currency trading bot in Elixir. We learn how that led him to start a free online book sharing that content. He covers what people will learn from the process, his goal of helping people see a larger working Elixir system, and his experience writing the book. A fun chat!
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/047-crypto-trading-in-elixir-with-kamil-skowron
Podcast: Download
Read More#046 Livebook with Jonatan Kłosko
We talk with Jonatan Kłosko, the coder behind Livebook, to learn how it works, how the collaborative feature was done, what you can do with it, what you shouldn’t do with it, some unusual ways people are using it, and more! We can’t help but talk about all the fun and cool ways it can be abused and how it’s finding exciting uses outside of machine learning. A great discussion with lots of insights.
Show Notes online – https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/046-livebook-with-jonatan-klosko
Podcast: Download
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